LCJ Engineers has been involved in a number of refurbishment and new projects at St Margaret Mary’s College. Some of the more notable projects completed on the campus include:
- Library Extension (2000)
- Senior Campus Science Block (2004)
- Junior Campus Modifications (2005)
- Hospitality and Canteen Extension (2006)
- Multi-Purpose Shed and Library (2009)
- Year 7 to Secondary (2014)
- Administration (2015)
- Dance Hall and Maintenance Facility (2016)
- Stage 2 Works (2019)
- Block H and L (2019)
Given the tight confines of the site, careful consideration of the interaction of the new facilities with existing infrastructure hasa been required for most projects. During the construction phase for most projects we have had to work closely with the contractor to provide solutions that are ‘fit for purpose‘ that take into account existing site constraints.